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The networking business has come to stay not only for the monetary benefit but it also for connecting with people from different background, knowledge and orientation to share common and uncommon goals. They work together times without number to help the part of the network (a person) that needs assistance or help as the case may be.
The assistance or help can be in form of cash, kind, idea support and knowledge enhancement. A network of “people” if well-coordinated can enhance the achievement of certain goals or targets within a limited time frame which you may not achieve in a long while if you try going it alone. It reduces your effort but increases your efficiency as well as returns (income). If well leveraged, networking can take you to heights of unbelievable achievements. Your network can determine your net worth. Your network can always increase your knowledge base and strengthen your power of achievement. Your network encourages you to keep up your good work and make sure you achieve. Your network serves as back up for you during tough times. A target that would have taken ten years could be hastened by your network and you can achieve it within two to three years. Your network will consist of those that know more than you do and those that you know more than therefore, you are entitled to benefit and also expected to give back. This makes it a win-win situation. Your network will create for you an avenue and avenues for wealth creation. With your network you live a life of freedom in that you will not be dictated to but will be encouraged.
It is a rightful saying that “A tree cannot make a forest”. Without the close proximity (network) of trees monkeys will find it difficult to jump high to escape from predators. With your network, you can escape some pot holes on your business journey because; they will be there to assist. As a computer engineer, we connect (network) computers to share resources like, printer, scanner, webcam, data and others. These reduces cost of procuring separate equipment for each computer, facilitates easy access to resources and reduction in cable cluttering. It is so beneficial. In the world today, you can communicate with somebody at the other end of the world due to network of computers. You can also transact business! You see, it makes live easy.
In comparison business networking do the same and much more. Circle of influence is increased and stronger, resources are shared and money is made. In some network marketing you will need to buy products to sell before you can make money but in others you don’t need to go through such stress. You will only need to register, help others to make money and others too will help you make money. The more you help others the more you make money. As the saying “what goes round comes around” but mind you if it will come around it will either be better or worse. That is, if you send out good, it will come around better but if you send out bad it will come around worse. Only time will tell.
If you can join a viable network today, you will know the difference between working hard and working smart. You will realize what it means to put your investment on autopilot. This does not mean you won’t work but your work time and stress will be minimal. It is just like you are sharing your burden with others of like mind who has something good to offer. It is called Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). If your mind can conceive the success in it, you can achieve it.
In network marketing or any business you can think of, it is only those that think of achieving success that sees the doughnut around the hole but the failures will only see the hole and not the doughnut around it. The optimists see the glass half-filled and the pessimists will see it as half empty. When offered slices of bread remember, in only one slice alone you have hidden ingredients that make up the bread. Believe in opportunities, harness the ones available to you, don’t pass them over, stop procrastinating, get up and do it when you can, time waits for no individual or group of people.
 You will be thrilled at your level of achievement if you are within a positive circle of influence as your network. Your circle of influence will give you the courage to achieve your desired goals.
Watch the excerpt from one of Robert Kiyosaki book “TheBusiness of the 21st Century

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