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Let the DISCO MYTO begin

The Electricity Distribution Company has started the new tariff.
Multi-Year Tariff Order
Check the informations below to get the full details. It is from the NERC website, no changes made.
I am thinking this will be upgradeable since we now have MYTO 2 with amendment to MYTO 2.1.

MYTO 3 and  MYTO 4 will be around the corner with remote control capability or application to control it from your phone or better still, a clap to curtail excessive usage. It can happen.

Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO) II


Welcome to the section of the NERC website where all information relevant to the Multi-Year Tariff Order (MYTO) has been made available to stakeholders.
The MYTO (Multi-Year Tariff Order) provides a 15 year tariff path for the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry.

The MYTO Methodology sets out the basis and pricing principles underlying the MYTO. The Methodology can be downloaded byclicking here

On April 1, 2015, the Commission approved an amendment to the MYTO 2.1 Tariff Order. Kindly click here to download the Amended MYTO 2.1 Tariff Order

Following the amendment of the MYTO 2.1 Tariff Order on April 01 2015, the Retail Tariff  for electricity in each of the Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) can be viewed by clicking on the  name of the DISCO from the list below.

Presentations on the Tariff Review were made at the MYTO Consultation Workshops and Power Consumer Assemblies and those can be found here:

Following the consultations, the input received from stakeholders and the general public were used to update the MYTO Financial Model (used to calculate the tariffs) and led to the creation of three new Tariff Orders (regulations officially issued by the Commission). Click below to download the MYTO2 Financial Model:

And click below to download the NERC Orders on Distribution, Genaration and Transmission Tariffs:
Also resulting from the Tariff Review is a new formula for allocating centrally-generated power among the 11 electricity distribution companies (a.k.a. Discos). The new load allocation is described in the following presentation:

Extracts of the Tariff Orders showing the retail tariffs to be paid by different customer classes from June 1st 2012 are presented below. It is important to note that the R1 customer class (representing lowest-income consumers) will no longer pay a fixed monthly charge so their tariffs will be lower in the new tariff regime than in MYTO 1.

This is as a result of a Federal Government subsidy and cross-subsidies from other customer classes. In addition, the Meter Maintenance Fee has been abolished for all customer classes.

A factsheet providing answers to frequently asked question about tariffs can be found by clicking here

Find below, additional information for new IPP plants.


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